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I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.”

Hello there!

Make yourself comfortable and pour yourself a hot cup of tea. Take your time, there is a lot to explore on our little cyberplot and more to come. Is there a better way to start this kind of thing than with a little bit of music? Feel free to press play any time now. Go on! Press it, Press it!

You guessed right we are music. We live it, we breathe it and we teach it and preach it. Please let us explain to you who we are, what we do and why we do it. Maybe even more importantly, when and where!

We play Gypsy Swing Jazz, Tziganne, Cool Jazz, Klezmer, Tarantella, Walz but most of all, we improvise a lot. We capture the melodies that float by. We engage in true communication with our audience.


Another one? Sure!

No, enough for now, no more video’s for you. Do you know how much they cost to make? We’re only poor musicians.

No really, really want to know why? We believe music is only alive live! (I rather like this one, MINE, claimed it!). A lot of bands go for polished finished products. They rehearse and rehearse until nothing can go wrong, we are quite the opposite. We often ask the audience what they want to hear and create an interactive musical experience. We don’t have a playlist. We have our ears. You know what, I’ll tell you more in our about page.

♥️ What our audience says

I tagged along with a few friends to a Trio Perdu concert in Wagehuys in Leuven. Not knowing what to expect I have to admit I was skeptical. I don't like Jazz and I had no idea what klezmer was. you guys blew me away. YOU WERE AMAZING!!! I hope I get to experience another concert of yours soon. I hope you guys make it all the way to the top, you deserve it!

TomBest Concert I saw in 2024

I love playing with Ruben, I really do, but don't tell him, He'll get too arrogant and cocky...

KevinOne for me

My first (and still best) memory of Le Trio Perdu is their living room concert many years ago. While searching for a birthday gift for my partner, I ran into my former colleague Kevin by a wonderful coincidence. An appointment was quickly made, and that birthday evening we enjoyed something exclusive: an intimate concert with special attention to my partner and music as a connecting force between the guests. A beautiful memory that is still talked about a lot. Highly recommended!

BertGarden Concert

One word, amazing, everything Kevin touches is music. Thanks to him I am now into Evens, Miles, Django, Armstrong. He opened a whole new world. Thank you Le Trio Perdu!
